Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Does a fetus have human rights? Or is it not considered human until after birth?

After 18 days of conception a fetus has its first heartbeat therefore having a heart already developed. Does this mean human rights apply to life in the making? Or is it simply viewed as an "IT"? According to the following video Cenk Uygur discusses a radical pro-life Christian group in Ohio that wants to have a fetus 'testify' about abortion. Do you believe a fetus has its humanistic right to such extent simply because of a heartbeat? Or is it viewed as no more than an "IT" just because it isn't a breathing,living human? Yet again,what makes us a breathing, living human? Is it not our heart and its constant beats that keep us alive?

Check out th video:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well although you express your point very well I have to disagree.Having a zygote "testify" in court is quite ludicrous,for the obvious reason of having no mouth to speak from or fully develped brain to which think from BUT I do believe that a zygote is human and abortion is in fact murder. Yes this story of Ohio is very insane because obviously in 18 days one is not even aware of pregnancy,as Cenk stated. A fetus is the foundation from which life begins to develope so why would it not be considered murder if adoption were the case? A fetus is a dependant life,that is true but is it not true for babies when they are born? or toddlers? Do parents not feed you and clothe you and give you shelter? Same applies to a fetus. The mother gives it shelter in her womb,feeds it from her umbilical cord,would you not say the same comcept applies before and after birth? My point is this, a fetus is simply another phase every human being must go though just as a baby goes from infancy to the toddler stage and then the young kid stage which is then proceeded by the teenage stage and ect. This sceneraio going on in Ohio is quite insane because a fetus is not yet able to speak for itself just as an infant can't either so in the case of abortion the mother would be the one who's choice would count,as it usually does for the early years of any human being under the care of a parent or guardian. BUT to me atlease, abortion would indeed be killing a life. I strongly believe in pro choice because,as you gave the example about incest, women are put into unpredicatble situations in where abortion seems as the best choice, and at times it is I'll admit. But is it murder? In my opinion yes.
